Thursday, August 7, 2008

Community Council Meeting

Painting of Chloe, Francesca and a gentleman caller by Catherine Darling Hostetter available at The Lemon Fair in Sewanee. The Community Council meeting is August 25 at 7:00 pm in the Community Center behind the Sewanee Market. It is an open meeting. I encourage anyone who is interested, has questions, thoughts or experiences to attend.

My father wrote his representatives and asked them to read this blog. I wrote all the members and emailed copies to the Lease Committee. In my letter I enclosed a very basic ordinance proposal based on the 50+/- city and town ordinances that I have read.

• "No domesticated fowl shall be allowed to run at large on the domain.
• No more than 6 hens over the age of 5 months shall be allowed for each
single-family dwelling.
• No roosters over the age of 5 months or of crowing age shall be allowed.
• No hens shall be allowed in multi-family complexes, including duplexes.
• All fowl must be kept at all times in a secure enclosure.
• Enclosures must be at least 25 feet from the nearest neighbor's
residence, church or school.
• Enclosures must be kept in a neat and sanitary condition at all times,
and must be cleaned on a regular basis so as to prevent offensive odors.
• There shall be no outside slaughtering of birds.
• Commercial use of fowl shall be prohibited.

Other considerations:
• larger number of hens for larger lots and/or specific locations
• neighborhood hens ­- with neighbor consent, one home keeps a larger
number of hens for several households to share.
• I would like to lead periodical chicken raising workshops - a common practice in many communities to educate new and/or potential owners."

These are ideas to facilitate what I strongly believe to be a fair and beneficial addition to our educated, open minded, beautiful and very fine quality of life.

I would not be pursuing this cause with such vigor were it not for the support I have received. In the past five weeks, the blog has been looked at 3,234 times from 22 countries. As an example: today I received an email from the wife and mother of alumni and aunt of an incoming freshman. She found the blog by accident and emailed to say she has 4 chickens near downtown Mobile where it's legal to have 14. Someone I don't know posted a comment on the blog recommending to me a book he or she thought I'd enjoy. I ran into a former student who'd heard about the blog while abroad and has been following it. Someone who grew up in Sewanee emailed me with the ordinances from her town in N.C. This is just today. I can't go into the bank or walk down the street without being stopped by enthusiastic people who want to support me and this cause. The responses I receive on a daily basis never stop and I have yet to hear one that is not positive.


Jenny said...

I am reading from New Zealand, and hoping you get to keep your chooks! I found your blog while reading up on backyard chickens in preparation for getting some of my own in a couple of weeks. Good for you, for sticking up for what you believe is right and fair. You certainly have plenty of support!

Katherine said...

Thank you Jenny! I was wondering who was reading from New Zealand - There are 8 of you and I always assume it's people from here traveling. I'm sure you'll have fun with your new pets!