The chickens live in a 4'x4' house which I built from a child's playhouse kit and it is painted to match my house. It has a window box, shutters and awnings and is incorporated into the yard, but sits on the opposite side of the complaining neighbor. Attached to the house is a 6'x12'x2.5' (high) screened in porch/yard with white trim and gingerbread. The girls spend the day in their house or porch and I let them out after work and on weekends to roam my enclosed yard freely where they eat bugs, fertilize, frolic in dry dirt taking dust baths, but mostly follow me around because they LOVE me.
The house and porch are built to chicken specifications to keep out rodents and predators. The windows of the house are covered in 1/2" x 1/2" hardware cloth. The sides and top of the yard are covered with the same as well as traditional porch screen on the outside. The house and porch sit on the ground and have chicken wire running underneath which is very securely attached. There is also a 6" skirt of hardware cloth around the perimeter of the porch which has been landscaped so it will prevent digging while not being noticeable. As you can tell, I did extensive research.
The bird food is kept indoors to keep out pests. The chicken house is clean and does not smell. I use pruned bamboo leaves from the yard to line the house and porch floors. I compost the bamboo liter, and use it in my gardens. I layer leaves on the compost so it does not smell either. It makes WONDERFUL soil and feels like such a great use of resources. I am an ornamental gardener. I grow flowers, a few herbs and 5 tomato plants. I have ornamental chickens which complement my garden.